Bankruptcy may seem straightforward. You are in debt, you need to get your creditors off your back, so you declare bankruptcy and do what you need to do to get your debts discharged.
For many people, this is exactly what happens when they decide it is time to get that huge financial burden off of their shoulders. For others, it is much more complicated. It may involve one or more businesses, debts that may be in the millions and many other issues that will require a lawyer with extensive experience in bankruptcy law.
If you have lost your job, had a serious injury or illness or just gradually fell behind on your bills because of one thing and another, you may be facing years of trying to dig yourself out from under a huge mound of debt.
When you fall behind financially, because of divorce, a job loss or for any other reason, it can feel like you’ll never catch up.
We live in a society where debt is a fact of life for a great many people. Home mortgages, student loans, business loans, car loans and credit cards are familiar mainstays in our financial landscape.