A rough economy or personal crisis can easily leave you facing a future of financial trouble. Creditors are calling, your vehicle may be repossessed, and foreclosure may be on the horizon. There are many subtleties to filing for bankruptcy, whether you do it yourself or with a lawyer. Let us help you through the difficult steps of your financial crisis. Our firm takes great pride in taking the time to explain the bankruptcy process to you. We want you to leave our office with the feeling that a great weight has finally been lifted from your shoulders. We offer free initial consultations, flexible payment plans and flexible appointments. Just give us a call and let us be your guide to financial freedom.
A troubled economy or personal crisis can leave you in financial trouble. Creditors are calling, your vehicle or other property may be repossessed, and foreclosure may be on the horizon. There are many facets to filing bankruptcy correctly whether you do it yourself or hire a lawyer to help you through the process. Ask questions and follow the rules or your bankruptcy case may be dismissed and you’ll be responsible for your debts again. Get more information about how Bankruptcy provides a fresh start when you or a business can’t keep up with payments to creditors, and your financial future is in jeopardy. works to help you move on with your life.
When it comes to criminal law cases, an experienced and effective criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between a prison sentence and reduced or dismissed charges. The Law office of Jonathan Augusta is dedicated to defending the rights of the accused and our criminal defense attorneys are committed to the presumption of innocence.