Dollar General Community GuidelinesWhen posting a comment to our page we ask that it is relevant, in good taste and non-derogatory. All posts to our page, including any posts which appear on our wall, or which appear in response to posts, photos or videos uploaded by us may be used by Dollar General in future status updates on the Dollar General brand page. For information regarding Facebook’s Page Terms, please click here:
Postings to the Dollar General brand page are not representative of the opinions of Dollar General, nor do we confirm their accuracy. As part of our commitment to you, we’ll do our best to ensure the postings on our brand page are in line with the Dollar General culture. However, since we can’t monitor every posting or conversation, Dollar General expects that users will not post content that falls into the following categories and reserves the right to remove postings that are:
• abusive, defamatory, threatening, violent or obscene• fraudulent, deceptive or misleading• in violation of any intellectual property right of another• in violation of any law or regulation• otherwise offensive• promotional messages• external links• off topic employee related issues