Mission Statement:
“To reach out and bring people into a living relationship
with Jesus Christ and His Church…
Through dynamic worship of God, fervent prayer in His name,
vigorous study of His word, loving care for one another
and committed support for His work”
1982: The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod District Mission Board selected a site on Apopka-Vineland Road and formed a nucleus of families to begin a new congregation. In December of that year the Rev. Gerald N. Schultz was called to be their pastor.
1984: On Easter Sunday the first service in the just completed sanctuary was held and communion was shared by 134 people.
1989: Rapid congregational growth prompted the decision to build a larger sanctuary.
1992: On March 22 the existing sanctuary was dedicated with 534 attending the service. The previously used building was renamed to Barnabas Fellowship Hall.
1997: A new Rogers Organ was installed to enhance the music portion of our worship. In that same year the Preschool was launched with an initial enrollment of 37.
2016: At the end of April Pastor Schultz retired. Pastor Zeile was selected to be the Intentional Interim Pastor while preparations were made for calling a new pastor.
2018: In May, Rev. Timothy Brown was installed as Pastor of Christ The King Lutheran Church.